An Amazing $6,500 in Donations for Ambassadors for Children!

News, Events

June 20, 2017

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Springfield, MO – A big congratulations goes out to the Big Whiskey’s stores and staff that participated in the Ambassadors for Children fundraiser! This year we surpassed our goal of raising $5000 and raised an incredible $6,500!

This past May was the 4th year that Big Whiskey’s American Restaurant & Bar® partnered with Ambassadors for Children to raise money for children in foster care for Greene, Christian, and Taney Counties. Donations help supplement the limited income fosters families receive from the state, a cause-related subsidiary of the Council of Churches of the Ozarks.

“The staff did an amazing job,” said Paul Sundy, Big Whiskey’s COO, “this is really something they can be proud of!”

Each of the Big Whiskey’s corporate owned locations hosted an array of activities to raise the money. These included the Springfield, Ozark, and Branson restaurant locations.

The downtown Springfield restaurant location raised $542, with staff member Kalyn raising the most funds for the store with donations of $157.

The Republic Rd. Springfield restaurant location raised $1026, with Caroline bringing in the most donations for her store with $191.

The Battlefield Rd. Springfield restaurant location raised $1232, with Maggie T. bringing in the most funds for the store with donations of $407.

The Ozark restaurant location, raised $1329.

And the Branson restaurant on Branson Landing Boulevard, led the way with Tracie O. raising $708 in donations, bringing their total fundraising amount to $2371. For a grand total of $6,500 funds raised!

This money will be able to provide 3 tops, 3 bottoms, socks, underwear, a pair of shoes, pajamas, and more for 87 Local children in foster care!

"Thank you to our staff and our community for their support of this deserving organization,” Anna Messer, Human Resources Director of Big Whiskey’s proudly announced. “Because of you, we are able to make a big difference in the lives of local children. We couldn't do it without you!"

Every year the fundraiser becomes more successful. The first two years Big Whiskey’s raised a little over $1,500 each year. Last year Big Whiskey’s raised $5000 (link to last year’s article

For those of you that missed the event and would still like to send a donation, you can donate directly to the Council of Churches of the Ozarks (link here